Friday, September 09, 2011

Parimutual Results - 2011 Club Championship

Parimutual results have been completed and the payouts are available Friday, September 9th, in the Lounge behind the bar.

Please read the 'Notes to the Parimutuals' (below) for clarification. If there any questions, concerns or mistakes with your payout, please let Mark Rogers know before Men's Closing Day. At that point, we will consider this year's results to be final. Copies will also be posted in the Locker Room and with the prize payouts.

Player                                                               Win                 Place
               Show               Ticket               Payout

Championship Flight (49 wagers – $ 403.35 prize pool)

J. Crowther (7 tickets)                                         19.20                9.60                  6.40                  35.20                246.40                         
M. Gowdy  (10)                                                                          6.72                  4.48                  11.20                112.00
D. Dodd  (6)                                                                                                      7.50                  7.50                    45.00 

            23 tickets    (26 non-winning)                                                                                                                   403.40

‘A’ Flight (69 wagers - $ 567.95 prize pool)

D. Stoyanovich (4 tickets)                                  47.33                23.66                 15.78                  86.75              347.00                          
J. Johnson (11)                                                                           8.61                  5.74                  14.35               157.85
D. Dakin (6)                                                                                                        9.00                   9.00                  54.00
G. Harris (1)                                                                                                        9.00                   9.00                   9.00

            22 tickets      (47 non-winning)                                                                                                                  567.85

‘B’ Flight (66 wagers - $ 543.27 prize pool)

V. Dunleavy (0 tickets)
J. Lauzon (1)                                                                           482.91                                         482.91               482.91                         
M. Krupa (0)
J. McLaurin (1)                                                                                                    60.36                60.36                 60.36
            2 tickets        (64 non-winning)                                                                                                                 543.27

‘C’ Flight (58 wagers - $ 477.70 prize pool)

G. Pendergrast (15 tickets)                                  424.62                                                              28.30                424.40                           
B. Currie (0)
G. Stephenson (1)                                                                                              53.20                53.20                  53.20

            16 tickets        (42 non-winning)                                                                                                               477.70

‘D’ Flight (29 wagers - $ 238.73)

A. Camman (0 tickets)                                                                                                                                                                
K. Hinton (0)
P. Tite (1)                                                                                                                                238.78              238.78
            1 ticket         (28 non-winning)                                                                                                               238.78

Notes to the Parimutuals:

Financial Summary:


271 wagers @ $ 9.00 each =  $ 2439.00

Cash Shortage  - $ 8.00
Golf Committe - $ 200

Total Prize Pool - $ 2231.00


Champ Flight - $ 403.40
A Flight           -     567.85
B Flight           -     543.27
C Flight           -     477.70
D Flight           -     238.78

Total Prize Payout - $ 2231.00

  • In some cases, prizes were rounded up or down (no more than several cents) for payout convenience
  • For the purposes of parimutuals, tie scores remain tie scores and junior golfers did not exist
  • In ‘B’ Flight where no one selected the winner, ‘SHOW’ money was calculated and the balance added to ‘PLACE’
  • In ‘C’ Flight where no one selected the 2nd place finisher, ‘PLACE’ money was added to ‘WIN” pool
  • In ‘D’ Flight there was only 1 ticket that selected any of the WIN, PLACE or SHOW finisher and claims the entire D prize pool
  • The $200 for the Golf Committee was removed equally from each flight based on its percentage of the total prize pool
            (For example: $ 441 in wagering for Championship Flight represented 18.1% of the total prize pool therefore $ 37.65 (18.1% of 200) was deducted,leaving a Championship Flight Prize Pool of $ 403.35)

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