Sunday, July 27, 2014

Canadian Open Pool results

Canadian Open Pool Results

Congratulations to the winners of last weekend’s Canadian Open pool!  There was significantly less participation, so the payouts are correspondingly reduced:

1st place                     Lynn Arbing               $158
2nd place                    Alan Abley                 $ 94
3rd place                    Blair Patton               $ 63

Watch for entry forms for the upcoming PGA Tournament at Valhalla in Louisville, KY which starts on Aug 7th.
Good luck!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

British Open Results

British Open Pool Results

Congratulations to the winners of last weekend’s British Open pool!  Thanks to a great response (97 entries), there was a big payout.

1st place                     Ted Foster                $432
2nd place                    Derry Hales              $259
3rd place                    Al Velani                    $173

Entry forms for the new Canadian Open pool are now available in the Pro Shop and Members Lounge.  

Good luck!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Masters Pool Winners

Masters Pool

Congratulations to the winners of the Masters Pool.

1st – George Harris ($3,715,200)

2nd – Larry Kummer ($3,369,464)

3rd – Scott McDonald ($3,364,360)

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Masters Pool 2014

5th Annual Master’s Pool 2014
Masters Tournament - April 10th – 13th, 2014
Entry Fee: $10.00 (cash please – attached to your entry)

Choose 2 players from each listed category, plus 2 additional “BONUS PICKS”

Payouts for:  1st, 2nd, and 3rd

Entries will be available starting Saturday, April 5th, 2014.
Pick them up in the Pro-Shop or Members Lounge or Download the entry form from the Golf Committee Blog

The Masters Pool is open to all Highland Members and Guests.
Enter soon and enter often!

Deadline to enter will be Wednesday evening, April 9th, 2014

Thank you,
Men’s Golf Committee